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Let´s talk about Heilpaedagogic zum Internationalen Tag der Heilpädagogik am 13. April!

Nehmen Sie teil an der digitalen Veranstaltung der IGhB am Samstag, den 13. April 2024 von 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr und freuen Sie sich auf den Austausch mit Kolleg:innen zu unterschiedlichen Themen.
Alle Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Flyer: Programmflyer Tag der Heilpädagogik 13. April

Dear colleagues,

The International Society of Professional Heilpaedagogic Organizations is currently conducting a survey of its members.

We have extended the deadline for this survey until 31 March 2024 and cordially invite you to take part in the survey.

All relevant information can be found under the link:

Many thanks for your support from the Executive Committee of the IGhB.

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

die Internationale Gesellschaft heilpädagogischer Berufs- und Fachverbände führt derzeit eine Befragung ihrer Mitglieder durch.

Wir haben die Frist für diese Befragung bis zum 31. März 2024 verlängert und laden Sie ganz herzlich ein, sich an der Befragung zu beteiligen.

Alle relevanten Informationen finden Sie unter dem Link:

Mit herzlichem Dank für Ihre Unterstützung grüßt Sie das Exekutivkomitee der IGhB

Dear colleagues,

The International Society of Professional Heilpaedagogic Organizations is currently conducting a survey of its members.

We have extended the deadline for this survey until 31 March 2024 and cordially invite you to take part in the survey.

All relevant information can be found under the link:

Many thanks for your support from the Executive Committee of the IGhB


Dear colleagues,

we would like to ask you for your cooperation and support and about 10 to 15 minutes of your time.
The IGhB, the International Society of Professional Heilpaedagogic Organizations, has drawn up a questionnaire and we kindly ask you to complete it.

We would like to use it to compile the following overview:

  • in which fields of activity do “Heilpaedagogues” work?
  • Which groups of people do they work with? – how satisfied are they there? – what do they need to be able to work even better?
  • The aim is to obtain information from “Heilpaedagogues” about how the profession of “Heilpeadagogic” is perceived in our member countries. This involves questions on central current topics, change processes and the question of future professionalization needs.

Please answer the following questions as briefly as possible, even in key words! All data will be treated anonymously, multiple answers are possible. Colleagues who are not yet organized in the professional associations are also invited to participate!

We would like to thank you very much for your efforts and send you our best regards from the IGhB member countries.

The Executive Committee of the IGhB

Here is the link to the questionnaire:

You can log in directly via the link and do not need to download any further tools. End of the questionnaire campaign: February 29, 2024

For further information please consider the IGhB guidelines: