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Let´s talk about Heilpaedagogic zum Internationalen Tag der Heilpädagogik am 13. April!

Nehmen Sie teil an der digitalen Veranstaltung der IGhB am Samstag, den 13. April 2024 von 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr und freuen Sie sich auf den Austausch mit Kolleg:innen zu unterschiedlichen Themen.
Alle Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Flyer: Programmflyer Tag der Heilpädagogik 13. April

Dear colleagues,

The International Society of Professional Heilpaedagogic Organizations is currently conducting a survey of its members.

We have extended the deadline for this survey until 31 March 2024 and cordially invite you to take part in the survey.

All relevant information can be found under the link:

Many thanks for your support from the Executive Committee of the IGhB.

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

die Internationale Gesellschaft heilpädagogischer Berufs- und Fachverbände führt derzeit eine Befragung ihrer Mitglieder durch.

Wir haben die Frist für diese Befragung bis zum 31. März 2024 verlängert und laden Sie ganz herzlich ein, sich an der Befragung zu beteiligen.

Alle relevanten Informationen finden Sie unter dem Link:

Mit herzlichem Dank für Ihre Unterstützung grüßt Sie das Exekutivkomitee der IGhB

Dear colleagues,

The International Society of Professional Heilpaedagogic Organizations is currently conducting a survey of its members.

We have extended the deadline for this survey until 31 March 2024 and cordially invite you to take part in the survey.

All relevant information can be found under the link:

Many thanks for your support from the Executive Committee of the IGhB


Dear colleagues,

we would like to ask you for your cooperation and support and about 10 to 15 minutes of your time.
The IGhB, the International Society of Professional Heilpaedagogic Organizations, has drawn up a questionnaire and we kindly ask you to complete it.

We would like to use it to compile the following overview:

  • in which fields of activity do “Heilpaedagogues” work?
  • Which groups of people do they work with? – how satisfied are they there? – what do they need to be able to work even better?
  • The aim is to obtain information from “Heilpaedagogues” about how the profession of “Heilpeadagogic” is perceived in our member countries. This involves questions on central current topics, change processes and the question of future professionalization needs.

Please answer the following questions as briefly as possible, even in key words! All data will be treated anonymously, multiple answers are possible. Colleagues who are not yet organized in the professional associations are also invited to participate!

We would like to thank you very much for your efforts and send you our best regards from the IGhB member countries.

The Executive Committee of the IGhB

Here is the link to the questionnaire:

You can log in directly via the link and do not need to download any further tools. End of the questionnaire campaign: February 29, 2024

For further information please consider the IGhB guidelines:

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
wir möchten Sie gerne um Ihre Mitarbeit und Unterstützung und etwa 10 bis 15 Minuten Ihrer Zeit bitten.
Die IGhB, Internationale Gesellschaft heilpädagogischer Berufs- und Fachverbände hat einen Fragebogen erstellt und wir bitten Sie, diesen Fragebogen auszufüllen.
Damit möchten wir folgende Übersicht zusammentragen:

  • in welchen Handlungsfeldern sind Heilpädagogog:innen in unseren Mitgliedsländern tätig?
  • mit welchen Personengruppen arbeiten sie?
  • wie zufrieden sind sie dort?
  • was brauchen sie, um noch besser arbeiten zu können?

Ziel ist es, von Heilpädagog:innen Informationen darüber zu bekommen, wie die Profession Heilpädagogik eingeschätzt wird. Dabei geht es um Fragen zu zentralen aktuellen Themen, zu Veränderungsprozessen und der Frage der künftigen Professionalisierungsnotwendigkeiten.
Bitte beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen möglichst kurz, gerne auch in Stichworten!
Alle Daten werden anonym behandelt, Mehrfachnennungen sind möglich.
Eingeladen zur Mitwirkung sind auch Kolleg:innen, die sich noch nicht in den Berufsverbänden organisieren!

Wir danken Ihnen schon jetzt sehr herzlich für Ihre Mühe und senden Ihnen kollegiale Grüße aus den Mitgliedsländern der IGhB.

Das Exekutivkomitee der IGhB

Hier der Link zum Fragebogen:
Sie können sich direkt über den Link einloggen und müssen keine weiteren Tools herunterladen. Ende der Fragenbogenaktion: 29. Februar 2024

Für weitere Informationen empfehlen wir die IGhB Leitlinien:

Roots and wings – summary of the 50th anniversary board meeting of the Hungarian Association of Heilpedagoge
The recently elected new board of the 50-year-old organisation celebrated its 50th anniversary with a jubilee board meeting and the introduction of its new board.The Association, which deals with the issues of special education and disability in a comprehensive way, celebrated its anniversary on 30 March 2022 in the Nádor Hall of the School for the Blind.

More than two years before its foundation, the Association was established at professional meetings held in special education institutions in the countryside, with the vision of the directors of the institutions and leading professionals in the field of special education, with the permission of the Ministry and the strong support of the special education profession. József Méhes, Dr Viktor Göllesz, Dr Anna Gordos, Dr Gyuláné Illyés, Dr Flóra Kozmutza and Béla Sziklay.

Dr. György Házlinger, the head of the Central Pest School District, and Dr. László Kiss, the specialist service and curative education officer of the Ministry of Human Resources, also attended the ceremonial meeting of the Board and welcomed the participants.

Dr. Ferencné Gereben, outgoing President, highlighted the organisation’s diversity and flexibility to respond to social and professional changes. She said that the Association was „the bearer of the tradition of curative education“ and that its activities were guided by a sense of professional continuity. These roots are the roots to which „together we are strong“, and it is the joint thinking of representatives of the various disciplines that will keep MAGYE going for the next 50 years. At the end of his speech, he outlined the work ahead for the new presidency, for which he wished them strength and perseverance.

Newly elected President Tamás Reményi, in his speech, spoke about „the glorious past, the hard-working present and the hopeful future of our association“, and presented the 5-point justification for the founding of the association, and the association’s past, present and future tasks. The objectives set out at the beginning are still valid today, albeit in different words. They include the unity of theory and practice, international relations, dissemination, support for integration and professional advocacy.

Under the first decisions of the new Bureau, Dr Ferenc Ferenc Gereben received the title of „Honorary President“ and the Pál Ranschburg Memorial Medal, Dr Ákosné Szabó was awarded the title of „Honorary Member of the Bureau“ and Katalin Rosta was awarded the title of „Honorary Editor-in-Chief“. Our heartfelt congratulations to all of you!

In view of the epidemic situation, the number of members and professional leaders who could attend the ceremony personly was limited. With the possibility of online broadcasting, nearly five hundred people attended the event.